We finally saw the Seven Sisters! They are chalk sea cliffs on the south-east coast of England. The sisters are the seven distinct hills formed by rises and dips in the cliffs.
We first attempted to see them while visiting Eastbourne in March and well... the photo shows the view we had. Yep. A thick wall of fog. Which was actually really fun, but not what we were hoping for.

Fast forward to a perfect Sunday in May. We had planned to go to a museum, but on our way, we realized that it would be a perfect day to pop down to Brighton and see the Seven Sisters! We called an audible and hopped on a train to Brighton instead of Chelsea and off we zoomed.
The bus from Brighton to Seaford (where the cliffs start) takes about an hour and hugs the coast the whole time.
The hike took us first through rolling green hills covered in cows, sheep, and hundreds of fluffy tiny bunnies. I grew up in the desert in the Western US, so I am still blown away by how vibrant the English countryside is. The rolling green juxtaposed with the stark white of the cliffs and the soft blue of the sky and sea felt like we were tromping through an oil painting. The sea mist gave a hazy cast to the distant cliffs which also felt romantic. The scene bewitched me body and soul and I love I love I love-d it.

After walking about a mile up the hill we suddenly found ourselves at the edge of the world -- the white cliffs stretching out to the east and the sea thundering below! The very best (and most famous) view of the Seven Sisters is from a bit west at Cuckmere Haven. We wanted to hike on the actual cliffs so we couldn't see quite as well. However, the view was still much better than any I saw at the Cliffs of Dover so I was impressed.

After taking one million pictures and sitting and enjoying the view. We ran down to the beach to find it bathed in golden light from a sun that had burst through the mist on its way below the horizon. Utterly enchanting.

As always, click to see the video on IG (I love photos, but videos are just kinda more fun, ya know?).